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About Framework Central

It's a Market Place for Software

Framework Central is a place to buy and sell software frameworks for Apple products. It's goal is to be as easy as possible. Not just easy to use, but also easy to decide to use.

It uses familiarity to make it approachable, and understood at first glance. Where to look, how to search and how to browse need no introduction. Once found, adding a framework to your Xcode project can be two clicks away.

Priced So You Don't Need To Think About It

Six Pence. Just Six Pence. That's how much frameworks cost. Each day you develop using a framework, it costs just six pence. Once you've finished your app, there's nothing more to pay.

And You Can Try For Free

Sometimes a frameworks isn't exactly what you want. So that you can find out if a framework is right for your project, you can try any framework free for two days.

And if you release your app in those two days, there's still nothing to pay.

It's The Upload Tool As Well As The Market Place

To make uploading frameworks as easy as downloading, Framework Central is where you do this too. A whole section of the application is dedicated setting up and uploading your frameworks.

Earn From Your Frameworks

When a developer is charged for your framework, you get most of that. Of the six pence you get three and Framework Central two, the rest is tax. There's a big community of developers out there; it doesn't take a great number of them to like your framework to make a useful income.

The Technical Details

To use frameworks through Framework Central you first need to buy tokens called 'framework days', or FDs. Each FD costs 6p, and are purchased through this web site. To purchase FDs you need an account - it's easy to make one.

When you first use a framework an FD is converted into a one day license for that framework. The license is for 24 hours from the time it is created, and you can use that framework as many times as you like during that day. A different licenses is needed for each framework, and each day. The conversion of FDs into licenses is handle automatically. You can monitor what frameworks you have used through this web site.

'Using a framework' is when you build your app with that framework. This means you can tune which frameworks your app uses without worrying you'll be charged for ones you don't end up actually using, or building your app with.

Once you've finished your app, you stop building your app and so you stop using FDs, and so you stop being charged. Your app can be downloaded one time or a million times, or a zillion times, there's no charge.

To save you time, one option for getting your FDs is setting up an automatic top-up. When you run out of FDs, Framework Central automatically buys a new package of them for you. You set how big the package will be, and how automatic package purchases are allowed each month. You are in control of how much you spend.

What Is Expected Of You When You Put A Framework On Framework Central

You must have permission to profit from your framework. This can be due to owning it, or it's license allows this.

Framework Central believes it is best when the original author profits from their work. If you have legally published a build of someone else's framework, and haven't meaningfully improved it, and they ask if they could take it over, Framework Central thinks you should hand over control of the framework to the original author. Framework Central will help this kind of transfer.

Who Made Framework Central

Framework Central is by Framework Central Ltd, a UK company. Its details can be found on the Contact page.

Framework Central is Built With Frameworks on the Market Place

A suite of frameworks was created to make making Framework Central as easy as possible - they're on the market place to help you too. They're the ones by 'Art of Libs Ltd'.